Welcome to ExoGym
ExoRehabilitation centers where patients have gait training programs in exoskeletons
About us
3 important facts about us
ExoGym Centers provide new insights into recovery issues and make a breakthrough in rehabilitation effectiveness. ExoGym is a new system that brings people back to a fulfilled life
First fact: an integrated process
At the core of ExoGym centers lies the idea of ExoRehabilitation, a continuous process that combines exoskeleton training with other rehabilitation methods. This approach leads to better health and may restore the patient's ability to walk, partially or even completely.
Second fact: social function
ExoRehabilitation plays a key part in the patient's physical as well as mental recovery, social and emotional integration, which is crucial for people with locomotor disorders. Return to independent walking is a cornerstone of complete health recovery.
Third fact: return to life
The process of rehabilitation improves quality of life, which in turn brings back the motivation to get better, a sense of belonging and being a fully-fledged member of society. This project's global mission is to bring the disabled people to a fulfilled life.
ExoGym is a new type of centers located just around the corner that are very much unlike hospitals. Think fitness, but for people with locomotor disorders
  • Сontinuous process
    An effective rehabilitation requires at least 50 sessions a year. The main goal is continuous rehabilitation, which means the patients should train frequently!
  • Location
    It could be a separate building, a part of a fitness center, a space on the first floor of a residential building, or even a building in a city park. ExoGym centers require a space from 150 to 300 square meters, easily accessible by people on wheelchairs.
  • Schedule
    The centers work 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. One training session takes about 1,5 hours, including warm-up and device setup.
  • Individual approach
    An individual training plan will help account for the patient's condition, set realistic goals and increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation.
ExoGym — rehabilitation towards life!
For whom?
  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury (SCI)
  • Multiple
  • Cerebral palsy
ExoRehabilitation programs in ExoGym centers are designed for patients with locomotor disorders of lower limbs that occurred because of trauma, musculoskeletal or neurological diseases.
During training in the ExoGym centers the patients will use ExoAtlet exoskeletons
ExoAtlet is a Russian company that since 2014 develops and produces exoskeletons, creates new, effective methods of medical and social rehabilitation. Since 2016, ExoAtlet exoskeleton is registered as a medical equipment for mechanotherapy and has
a State Registration License No. РЗН 2016/4360. Over 50 clinics in Russia and 9 hospitals in South Korea have adopted ExoAtlet technology and use it to administer ExoRehabilitation to their patients. ExoAtlet addresses a broad spectrum of conditions thanks to its
functionality. Over 4000 people have completed rehabilitation training programs in clinics and are now in need of further training in an outpatient form – in an ExoGym center. Safety and efficacy of ExoAtlet in clinical setting is confirmed by multiple clinical trials conducted by
leading healthcare institutions such as N. I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, M. F. Vladimirskii Moscow Region Research Clinical Institute, Saint Petersburg State Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology at the Ministry of Healthcare of RF, and others.
Once again, the most important thing about our approach and resources
Plans and support
We trust in ExoRehabilitation and create an effective and accessible system that will help people with locomotor disorders to get back on their feet!
First steps
We start working on the project one step at a time and dream about opening a pilot ExoGym center in Moscow or other region of Russia in 2020.
Future to every district
In the future, ExoGym will become a network of centers and ExoRehabilitation will be available in every region.
Network of centers
Our goal is to create a network of training centers throughout Russia and the world — in every city, in every district!
Moral support
We are creating not just centers, but a community that is aimed at providing comprehensive support to people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: not only physical recovery, but also social, emotional integration.
Our team
We say it once again: "It all begins with the first step!" This phrase supports our patients who make their 'first' steps in an exoskeleton, and our team that works tirelessly to contribute to development of rehabilitation and recovery of patients.
Our team
We say it once again: "It all begins with the first step!" This phrase supports our patients who make their 'first' steps in an exoskeleton, and our team that works tirelessly to contribute to development of rehabilitation and recovery of patients.
Contact us
Katerina Kabanova
Project Leader
+7 903 684-51-63
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